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Help Fricken emergency call


Guys, I need some serious help here, and I don't care if I have to hack my phone for it. So to the meat of the thread, I think all of you guys know about this amazing thing on the lock screen of an Z992, the emergency call. It has causeed me many problems. Its happened so much that if it happens in my area again, i'm getting a ticket, it has ruined many family and friends events. Because who likes it when the cops show up at your friends birthday party. So is there any way it can go off of my lock screen? otherwise im getting a new phone that dosen't have that option
I believe all phones have the emergency call option on the lock screen by default. They are required to be able to make emergency calls when locked, or even not in service.

Have you tried a custom lock screen instead of the default one?
For anyone else having this problem, I downloaded a new lock screen from the Play Store and installed it, in the setup process it asked me to disable the lock screen already on the phone, once that was done it helped a lot. The only problem now is that sometimes the lock screen doesn't appear at first and then it does a second later.
This happened to me the very first day I purchased this phone. I called 911 several times and they even told me theyve been getting a huge number of hangup 911 calls from at&t's 889 prefix area(Which is where this phone market is). Since this POS has no memory whatsoever any kind of good lockscreen app just kills this already slow and half useless phone. I found that I just removed the lockscreen entirely from the settings and moved all of my stuff to other homescreens and removed phone, messaging, browser and other app shortcuts from the dock also which is just ******** for me to have to do. I dont think anyone was thinking this dumb mistake through.
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