So this is technical.. but i wanna give live to my g1 again. but i wanna use it intl. and buy a data plan . they offer 6 diff plans starting from
1MB up to 1GB.
2,048 kb incl. 1,048,576 kb incl.
i wanna make calls over 3G skype... wich fring says it does do.. and lets say even if it didnt.. which transfer rate would i need to get decent fring calls?
they say i can only use 3gigs per month? thats my other Q? is that limited?
1MB up to 1GB.
2,048 kb incl. 1,048,576 kb incl.
i wanna make calls over 3G skype... wich fring says it does do.. and lets say even if it didnt.. which transfer rate would i need to get decent fring calls?
they say i can only use 3gigs per month? thats my other Q? is that limited?