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FS/FT Muptile laptops Alienware M17x R1s, Dell Precision M6400, and laptop parts.

I will put pics up soon enough, I will put the specs of the machines up.
Alienware M17x R1
17 inch display
single GTX 260M
4X Blu ray drive, P8600 @ 2.4GHZ
4 gigs of ram 1066mhz
500 gig 7200RPM drive
800 USD

Alienware M17x R1
17inch display
Q9000 2ghz
6 gigs of ddr3 1333mhz
dual 500 7200RPM gig drives.
850 USD

Dell Precision M6400
17 inch display
1920x1200P RGBLED LG display
Intel T9550 2.66GHZ
1 gig of Quadro FX 3700M
4 gigs of DDR3 1066mhz can go up to 16 gigs
dual 250 gig 7200RPM
Has the basic three year warranty
1,000 USD
Both alienwares donot have warranty.

I have ram, also some 250, gig 7200pm drives,
also want to sell a monitor 23 inch Samsung Monitor, 1080P monitor with another year of best buy insurance. Price for this will be 200 bucks, its in perfect condition.
I am willing to trade for a PS3, xbox 360 plus cash. Looking for a intel 160 gig SSD plus cash. Iphone 4, plus cash. looking for an HP envy 14 also. I also have ipod acessories, charger, iphone 3g, 3gs extended battery, case also name a price or trade.
I use pay-pal adress verified. I have had plenty of sales and successful transactions with paypal.
Here is my photobucket with the many pictures of some of the things i have for sale. Thank for your interests!
Pictures by vpcz11 - Photobucket
Meant to say pending sale on one of the alienwares, i would ship out there but the shipping would cost like 100+ which you have to pay for or at least half...
I will take an Alienware off your hands for $550.

And may I ask where and how you got these>?


Also if i bought more than 1 would there be any discount on one of them>
Hi, sorry i haven't had any internet at home some issues with the service, i sold the 1440x900P one and the 1200P is still working on selling to the buyer, i will be having a m17x R2 in a few weeks too. It's exchange orders mostly.
How much for a external HD PLUS THE ALIENWARE 1080p with a game or two?
How much for the iphone?

I got an xbox hdmi 60gb with 1 game, one controller and play and charge+ $200 for the Alienware. Or plus $400 for the iphone, alienware and a external and game
Iphone 4? Have some, its going to have a core i7 720Q, 128 gig ssd, single 5870, rgbled 1200P, get it right 1200P 16:10 not 16:9!!! Whats the warranty on the xbox 360? I am interested into a slim PS3.
I want the bluray 1080p one, the one with core 2 duo listed.
I will either cash it for $450, or give you my xbox 360, with $150.
I wish, its just a r1...I bought this and the next month, after the alienware was out of the 30 days, the r2 came out... :(
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