I tried the Hero mod on my G1. I didn't like it because it was laggy and slow. (that was when it first came out I'm sure they fixed that by now). Anyhow it did have flash 9 on it and it worked good, I was on sites watching flash cartoons and what not. I think they have it and it's all ready and it has been for some time but there's other reasons, legal perhaps that they can't release it right now. If I see that video of Andy Rueben running flash on his G1 one more time I'm going to scream. That video has been out for over 6 months and people keep posting it like it's new. So that video proves that they have it and it works. It's just a matter of I guess Adobe and Google hashing out whatever they have to hash out and then we'll get it. I don't have a doubt that they have it and it's ready for use, it's just not going to be released until everyone figures out how each person can make the most money off of releasing it I guess. That's just my theory. My opinion. You know what they say about opinions. But that's for the link to that article. That's actually the newest news I've heard on it in awhile.