After being off mobile data for about a year and a half, I re-enabled it just for sh*ts and giggles. I've had my G1 since the first day it was released, and 3g worked fine on it until I decided not to get mobile data when I switched numbers. Build number DMD64.
Here's the problem. The battery will show 100% charged with battery monitor widget. But if I do anything that uses 3G, the phone will shut off after about 5 minutes, and won't boot past the G1 boot screen unless I plug it in. I really doubt it's my battery because if I don't use any sort of data at all, and just text or call with it, it'll stay on perfectly fine.
Any ideas?
Here's the problem. The battery will show 100% charged with battery monitor widget. But if I do anything that uses 3G, the phone will shut off after about 5 minutes, and won't boot past the G1 boot screen unless I plug it in. I really doubt it's my battery because if I don't use any sort of data at all, and just text or call with it, it'll stay on perfectly fine.
Any ideas?