Android Question
So here's my thing...And I don't know why it's doing this, obviously. It seems to only happen with one person, my girlfriend, who is on the Sprint network (if that helps), but I'm not sure if it's just her. I will get a notification on the top of my screen that says I have a text. I can even read it when I swipe it down, and take a look. And at one point today, I had the contact message screen up when I got a message. It appeared for a moment, and then vanished. But when I go to the Messaging app (the one that came with the phone), the message is gone. However, it shows up in the ATT Messages App, that came with the ATT package.
I'm not sure if it's related, but whenever I get MMS from people, it almost always duplicates it, so I get two in my messaging.
I'm not sure if it's related, but whenever I get MMS from people, it almost always duplicates it, so I get two in my messaging.