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Galaxy Gear just went Tango Uniform. HELP!


Well-Known Member
Ok, some background. Have had my Galaxy Gear for several months (picked it up JUST before the Gear 2 hit US Cellular stores). Haven't had any major issues with it in all that time.

Last night, I popped it in the cradle after getting home (had been fine all day). A few minutes later, my phone tells me the Gear has disconnected: no biggie, it'll do that occassionally and then reconnect. This time, it didn't... and when I checked it, it is bricked. Doesn't power on, nothing.

Taking it into the USC store, but I'm not hopeful about their response. Figured I'd see if anyone here could give me a clue
That requires that I can get SOME response out of the damn thing

It powered down, and literally will not power back up
I had a GALAXY GEAR 1 do the same thing & it ended up being a defective camera that somehow affected the ability to charge, which in turn, of course,also ended up TANGO UNIFORM.

SAMSUNG repaired it by replacing the camera module.

Anyhoo, bottom line, it's still covered by the warranty.
I'd start w/the point of purchase, see if they'll exchange/replace it.
If not, SAMSUNG will no doubt honor the warranty.
My Original Gear had charging issues. You'd snap it into the cradle, but it didn't even try to charge. Got worse over time. My guess is the same thing happened and the battery just went dead.
Oh no... it was charging just fine

It's on it's way back to Samsung to get checked out. I'm fully expecting to be told "water damage", even though it wasn't exposed to more than light mist at any time (they dont cover water damage under warranty)

Will let everyone know what happens
Oh no... it was charging just fine

It's on it's way back to Samsung to get checked out. I'm fully expecting to be told "water damage", even though it wasn't exposed to more than light mist at any time (they dont cover water damage under warranty)

Will let everyone know what happens

Heard anything yet?
Sorry... forgot to update.

Ended up going through Sammy's online helpdesk. After FINALLY getting them to understand that it would NOT power up (THAT took forever: it's like they thought a factory restore could be done without power), I got a mailing lable

Took maybe a week. The camera side band (and battery) were replaced, and she's working fine
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