Android Expert
Two Apple Iphones, one Samsung Galaxy S II explode - The Inquirer
Well If you are following the news two Iphones and a Skyrocket have been in flames this week .
With the Patent wars heated between the two rivals
Which company is going to patent mobile pyro generation technology ?
Are we in for a Flame war in truest sense ?
Is pyro realism the new feature Iphone5 is going to be based on ?
Will we have flame screen savers ?
Will apple sue Samsung now for the pyro recent burst and order a stay on all samsung phones and tablets due to a similarity noticed in the color of the flame noticed after 3.5 seconds ?
Stay tuned for next episode Patent Wars .
Well If you are following the news two Iphones and a Skyrocket have been in flames this week .
With the Patent wars heated between the two rivals
Which company is going to patent mobile pyro generation technology ?
Are we in for a Flame war in truest sense ?
Is pyro realism the new feature Iphone5 is going to be based on ?
Will we have flame screen savers ?
Will apple sue Samsung now for the pyro recent burst and order a stay on all samsung phones and tablets due to a similarity noticed in the color of the flame noticed after 3.5 seconds ?
Stay tuned for next episode Patent Wars .