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Galaxy S4 blurry from more than 12 inches

I am hoping someone can help me. I bought my husband the Galaxy S4 last week. The "Selfie" mode camera is crystal clear. The camera itself is clear up to a distance of 3-6 inches, but any further than that it is a blurry mess. I have tried settings, tried outdoors, indoors, flash on/off, auto focus on/off, and every other thing I can think of.

If someone could suggest what we're doing wrong I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks, I will check out the threads, I did a quick look and didn't see anything.

The holding it still doesn't work. You can have it lying down flat on the table and it's still blurry. It NEVER focuses at a distance of more than 6 inches or so. Ever.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will delve more deeply into the forums.

That could be a bad camera in the phone. I know that with my S4, when it doesn't focus, it's usually because it's focusing on an object at a distance that isn't the intended object of the photo, so I generally tend to tap the screen on the object that I'm trying to photo and it focuses on that area instead.
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I am hoping someone can help me. I bought my husband the Galaxy S4 last week. The "Selfie" mode camera is crystal clear. The camera itself is clear up to a distance of 3-6 inches, but any further than that it is a blurry mess. I have tried settings, tried outdoors, indoors, flash on/off, auto focus on/off, and every other thing I can think of.

If someone could suggest what we're doing wrong I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I have found that Dane thing in my phone. As silly as it sounds I aim at what I want to take a picture of then tap the screen. Then my phone auto focuses to the further objects. Then if I move the phone and want something more near I have to tap the screen again. And the camera will readjust to the more near object.
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