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Help Galaxy S5 Active - Xfinity WiFi connection issues!


Hi all! I am so frustrated.

I bought a new Galaxy S5 Active (not refurbished) about 5 weeks ago. Ever since then, I have had issues with my home Xfinity/Comcast WiFi network. When I bought the phone, I did a transfer of data from my old phone and had issues with upgrading to the new software version. I used the ATT&T Transfer app and it hung for hours and I had to manually stop it. Weird. So, I took the phone to a Samsung Tech at Best Buy, and they were able to force the upgrade. I wonder if I should have done a Factory Reset from day one??? So it had initial problems, transferring data and upgrading.
I use an Xfinity Arris TG862G.

Anyway, we have a home Xfinity WiFi network. I guess the router is at least 2 years old, maybe older. Not always, but most of the time, my phone shows up as a very weak connection. In fact, when this all started, I noticed having my old phone on the network, I assumed was taking up too much bandwidth because when I shut it down, my new phone suddenly connected great! Then after that software upgrade, it continued great for a few weeks. Now, it is always strong and solid with WiFi out of our home, and works well on all WiFi networks except our home Xfinity network. We have about 5 other Apple devices that all connect well, at about 50-60 db (RSSI level), but my phone maintains about a 20 - 35 db connection strength. All other phones on the network are fine. Once in a while it connects great and jumps up to 50+, but most of the time, it has issues connecting, horrible performance and continues to drop the connection. I installed some WiFi tools, signal boosters that help a little. In addition to the weak connection and internet hanging all the time, I am not getting Authentication Error like every 20 minutes or so, and I have to reconnect. It keeps happening, and only on the home network.

Why only my phone and my home WiFi router? Its an Arris unit. I have tried checking the Ghz setting but I think the modem/router is 2.4Ghz only. I have done Wireless router resets, unplugged it, restarted it, rest my Galaxy by removing batter and cards, manually connecting to the WiFi network, cleared cache, etc. I have NOT done a Factory Reset yet, and may do that tonight. Maybe I should have done that from day one?! But still, why only my home network?

Another weird thing is that when I use Samsung Smart Switch on my laptop to backup my phone, the Smart Switch app is unable to recognize my phone! So, I can't back it up! Ugh!

I bought the phone from Gadget Wizards online, new, and they have great customer service. They said I can return it, but it seems weird why this is isolated to my phone and Xifinity WiFi.

Thoughts? Do a reset? Any setting I should check? WiFi hotspot setting? Funy when I read troubleshooting tips online, they point to menu settings that I do not have on my phone. Weird?!

Thanks! I appreciate it!
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Going by the various things you've already tried I wouldn't focus too much on your Arris modem/router any more.
It's still an adequate and capable unit, and since it's only your S5 that's having these problems that's an indicator it actually is just that. Since you referred to this only being an issue with just your home WiFi network, and you mentioned you might try a Factory Reset and that is a viable option but be absolutely sure all your personal data is backed up first. Before doing a Reset though, have tried booting up your S5 into its Recovery Mode and wiping the system cache partition? To do this you need to restart your phone while simultaneously holding down the Volume Up, the Home, and the Power buttons. Once running in Recovery Mode it's a text only interface so need to use the indicated buttons to navigate through the different menu options. Select the wipe system cache, it will only take a few seconds, and then just reboot your phone so it's back to normal. The system cache has it's own dedicated partition, completely separate from the partition where your data is stored so this won't affect your personal files in any way. If this doesn't result in an improvement, don't forget to just try going into your Settings >> Wi-Fi menu and 'Forgetting' and re-adding your local WiFi network entry back in. Also you mentioned installing various 'signal boosters'. I'd disable and remove them while you're trying to diagnose what's going on. Personally I think most are just deceptive snake oil products but whether they are or are not your WiFi connectivity issue with your home network needs to be fixed on a base level without interference from third-party, 'magic' solutions.
I saw someone mention changing their router from to a 198 number.
I also unchecked all the wifi hotpost check boxes on my phone.
I just checked the "Automatic Date & Time" and "Automatic Time Zone" boxes.

I forgot to mention I tried my phone in safe mode for about an hour and the slowness and connection issue remained.
The company I bought it from said they would take it back and swap it. I can't imagine it is phone hardware, maybe the antenna?

Yes, thanks, I did wipe the system cache! Thanks!

I see your point on the signal boosters, but they definitely make a difference when I use them.
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Whether your router is using 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x IP addresses is irrelevant in this matter. If the issue was the antenna you'd have similar problems using other WiFi networks (and probably with Bluetooth. I 'believe' your phone uses the same antenna, a short length of wire running along the inside, for both WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity). The problem apparently is going to be a software issue, and most likely your S5 Active. As for those signal boosters, I still contend they're more frivolous than necessary, otherwise all phones would require them to use WiFi and even if you still think they 'help' than you'd also need similar add-ons for your other devices connected to your home network. Essentially your S5 should just connect to your home network without those kinds of things, with them it's just that much more problematic to diagnose what's really going on.
Thanks for the input. I read that Apply products are better designed to connect to wifi than androids, as I read in a few articles. That said, I did remove the wifi boosters! I think I agree, LOL. Thanks for the advice.

How about changing the wifi channel or some other setting?

By the way, I connected my previous phone, my regular S5 and that too has a low RSSI number. Maybe that is normal with Samsungs or Androids? Apples all have a high strength number. However, only my S5 Active continues to get the Authentication error and I get the message that wifi will connect again when the network quality improves. Our Apple products never have that message or issue.

After talking to Xfinity, they want me to swap out my modem for their newest model tomorrow. I will do that and see if it changes anything. If not, I will factory reset the phone. :(

You know, I wonder if it could be the 360 Security App? Hmmm.
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Again, I wouldn't focus so much on your router. Your other devices aren't going through the same problem. You could check what other WiFi networks are nearby and seeing what channels they're using. If a network has a really strong signal and it's using the same channel as what your router is using, it might eliminate interference if you change yours but keep in mind that's a temporary fix as most routers these days are set to auto-detect and change channels on their own. And again, that's not a likely issue as your other devices aren't having the same problem.
I was going to suggest a better option than having Comcast upgrade your modem/router would be to instead buy your own router -- just turn off the WiFi and any routing functionality in your Arris box and have your own router be the central hub for your home network. A good third-party router will give you complete control over your home network, while the router functionality in a Comcast modem/router is mostly configurable but always managed in the background by Comcast. But if you're already scheduled to get the upgrade it won't hurt to see how things turn out, fingers-crossed things just fix themselves as you'll be adding in a completely new WiFi network entry into your S5.
Thanks again. I will try their router upgrade and see what happens. They day it is plug n play, so it should be easy.
Then all I haven't dons add it to my phone and have everyone else do the same.

The thing that is odd is that my old S5 is now doing the same thing with a weak connection. Ugh!

Would a router that I buy, be so much better??? How much control does one need?
At this point just try the modem/router upgrade, you're going to be implementing a whole new home network so all your mobile devices will need to add a new WiFi network entry (unless it's being installed by a Comcast tech who will specifically transfer your previous configuration to from the old unit to the new unit.)
If you've never set up and maintained a wireless router now is probably not the best time to change over to one. It's not a difficult process but it does require some attention to details and reading up on some issues. Best to focus on the problem with your S5 Active and worry about such things later, what you don't want is to fix the WiFi connectivity on your S5 Active but in the process prevent everything else from getting online.

I implemented the new router. It's a better model, and supports 5ghz as well.
It seems to have resolved my problem! The connection is remaining very strong and consistent! No complaints so far. The connection is really song and much faster download speed as well. Love it

Not so much surprised as relieved. By installing a new modem/router that forced you to also establish a new home network, which then required a new (clean) WiFi entry onto that problematic phone.
My wife even said, she is surprised how much better her Internet experience is now with her iphone. All the phones have much stronger signals I can see by looking in the router console. The person I talked to at Xfinity said they have been seeing some compatibility issues with some phones using that particular router. Oh well, I am happy! :)
Thanks bro.
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