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Help Galaxy Tab 3 WiFi wont turn on

I have seen several posts about tab 3 not connecting through wireless, and the usual answer is to either reboot your device or the router. I have rebooted my device a couple times. I can not reboot the router because it is at my work place. I asked the IT guys at work if they were having any troubles, but they said there are 4 people connected to my wireless access point, and it seems to be functioning fine, so they wont reset it.

I have turned on and off my wifi button, but the wifi symbol is never present on my home page with the other icons. Should the wifi symbol be there is wifi is on? Or does it only show if I am actually connected?

I was connected to the work wifi on friday with no prob, then all weekend at home it works like a champ, now this morning I get to work and it simply wont connect.

Any ideas?


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