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Gallery Pics and Video


Nov 6, 2009
Hi all,

I could of sworn I saw this on a thread somewhere but I can not find it. I did a search.

My issue is I have double pics (Camera Pictures and Camera Media) and double videos (All videos and Movies) in the gallery. I have mounted my phone and I think I may have figured out the the picture issue. I have folder title .thumbnails and Camera. If I delete one of those folders will this cause a problem.

I can not figure the movies issue I only have on folder. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Pictures and videos taken by the droid should both show up in the DCIM\Camera folder on your SD card. The gallery app is just a search mechanism. Even though the same pictures show up in Camera Pictures and Camera Media does not mean they are duplicated on your SD card, just that they fall into both categories. Same goes for video.

Gallery looks for the .jpg file extension for pictures and the .3gp file extension for videos. Only files with .jpg show up in Camera Pictures, but files with .jpg and .3gp both show up in Camera Media. (I am sure it covers more file extensions than that, but these are the default file extensions for pictures/videos on the droid)

All Pictures will include all pictures in Camera Pictures plus any other pictures on your SD card that it can find. Same goes for All Videos.

I agree that this is a redundant way to display the media, but it does work.

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