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Spike G

Android Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2011
So about two days ago my casio commando got stolen. I've got a great deal on a maxx and since the commando was my first smartphone i've got some questions for the guru's.

So i've run linux my whole life and i dove right into android, i'm no noob but i know things change between manufacturers so heres the questions

Will uninstalling vs freezing cause ota failures?
Max overclock speed?
Difficulty recovering from softbrick?
Is it possible to push updates manually if i do uninstall apps or modify core files
What are the best scripts/rom's to run for speed, battery life, and beauty

any other important stuff i should know about? i plan on rooting this thing within the hour of purchase

The reason i'm asking these is because the commando was so locked down... seriously, its a shame, i could sit there with it in my beer while getting a call from a friend but you touch ONE core file or accidently delete instead of freeze and no more updates for you... ever. No boot to recovery from off either... so if your bootloop wasnt able to adb wait for device, then you're bricked... ect
I picked up the Maxx yesterday, rooted it, rom'd it (eclipse), overclocked it to 1.5 ghz. This thing is stupid fast compared to the commando and as for battery life i cant really say yet since yesterday i was power-using it literally non stop but downloading 6 apps, streaming pandora, and playing angry birds space (sweeeet) for 45 minutes, it only drained 3 percent. so i can imagine this thing will last me two days.

And since no thread is complete without pics...

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