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Gem Miner, most addicting game EVERRRRRR!!


Thank Me, Im Irish!
Admittadly, i have a very addictive personality. I have never been addicted to a game this bad since i played Field Runners on my iphone.

My play time since ive started playing this game is only limited by my battery life. But i have since tackled that by playing while its plugged into my pc.

The maps are random, so you can play it a zillion ways. But here are my tips:

stock up on ladders and the medical emergency thing.

Go down the shaft, and grab some local gems, just to build some money to get more ladders and medical supplies. Also buy a sleeping bag ASAP so it increases your stamina.

Heres my tip; dig STRAIGHT down grabbing any gems you can without going too far off the downward path. Keep digging until you reach about 50% stamina, then head back up to sell your gems and rebuild stamina.

Continue that process until at the very bottom! Once at the bottom start farming around for gems, this is where the most valuable ones are so youll rack up big time!

Upgrade to the drill ASAP, upgrade bags and sleeping bag/camp ASAP.

If any questions, feel free to post.

Try the free version, but be ready to spring for the paid version in about 2 days :)

thank me later.
Just picked this up. It is pretty fun. I've only had about 5 minutes to really play, but it was definitely entertaining. I had to quit right after the mine collapsed on me. :\
Just picked this up. It is pretty fun. I've only had about 5 minutes to really play, but it was definitely entertaining. I had to quit right after the mine collapsed on me. :\

Ahh yea. You will see some of the blocks are like grey or white. If you dig under them the screen shakes and you have a few seconds before it falls.

You should hit your bag and click "Use" on the "Support". it will stop it from falling :)
I've been trying the free version today and it is the type of game I really like. I know I'll be buying the registered version. :)
This is one of *the* best games I've played on my phone. Unfortunately for some reason, I have some kind of aversion to spending the $3 for the full version of an app that I love. I don't understand it - I'll go to the dollar store and buy $5 worth of crap for no reason at all, but $3 for an app that I'll absolutely love and use all the time somehow seems different lol!

I have to reevaluate my finances and buy the full version!!
The full version almost pissed me off.

My strategy was to come off the lift at the top, and just dig STRAIGHT down til i hit rock bottom.

Can i tell you it took me like 4 days, playing an hour or so each day, just to get to bottom?

The ladders were soooooo long, it took me full health + like 3 of the health things just to get from bottom to the top. Before i had lifts of course

Then once i was at the bottom i found purple heart and got the $100k and money was no object, i then replaced all ladders with lifts, upgraded full stamina items and got the best drill.

did some digging but for the most part its boring now lol
I've been looking for a game that I could get really into for my phone and when I found Gem Miner I knew I had found it!

It went a little slow at first when I was still learning what each item did, and building a strategy (a few deaths and loss of gems because I ran out of stamina lol) but within a day or two, I was totally hooked and bought the full version.

I've come to think the best strategy is buy lifts, put them in (just one step over from the previous lift to save time when going down/coming up) and then start at the top of each lift and work my way down to the bottom of the lift. I usually fill my bags after doing one side, then I come back and do the other side. By that point I have enough money to buy another lift and repeat the process. I sometimes dig further horizontally, but always try to end up at the bottom of the lift I started with to minimize the need for ladders. This saves lots of money on ladders because rarely do I ascend back up the way I came, I just get to the bottom of the lift and go up that way.

You can basically rinse and repeat this lift after lift all the way to the bottom. the first time I hit the big gem I was so excited and upgraded everything to the max and reinforced all these lifts, but at that point it wasn't as interesting because I had basically beaten the level. But that doesn't mean the game gets old, you just start a new map :P

So far I've beaten it on easy and medium. I like trying harder things, but the harder it gets the more boulders are placed and less gems, it makes it slightly less fun, but definitely more of a challenge.

If I could have one wish it would be an option to create our own maps and then play them. There is nothing quite as exciting as digging down to see a massive cluster of gems! And even though it would be a bit cheesy, I'd love to make a map that had tons of gem clusters just for fun. But also I think just making a map would be entertaining. I don't imagine it would be too difficult to create a UI for that, just a big grid of the dirt and buttons on one side where you could choose boulders, ore, and gems to replace the dirt in whichever squares you choose, or even an empty space if you wanted to make cave in etc.

I wish I knew how to program >< Overall though, this game rocks! :P
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