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Root Gingerbread advantages


Android Enthusiast
Mar 14, 2010
so I am curious what is the advantage to having gingerbread over one of the newest froyo ROM's.

I was running CW 7.0.3 on my last phone and when I got the replacement I went to sorcery 2.2. So far I do not see a big difference, so I was wondering what is the difference.
I ran froyo for a long time, then switched to gb. I haven't noticed too many significant differences, except gb really doesn't always run as well. It tends to get bogged down, on my droid anyway. Certainly other posters who are more intimate with the android system can expand on my observations.

The one thing I really like in gb is the keyboard. It added numbers and symbols by holding a key rather then shifting the keyboard mode. In all honesty I had downloaded that gb keyboard app while I was still running froyo.

I had a great nandroid backup of cm 6.1.2 that I was using when I switched to gb. I wish I still had it. I have repeatedly considered going back to froyo.
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I agree that the only thing GB did for me was slow it down and give me plenty of random reboots. I ran various GB roms and no matter what I did none of them liked my D1.

As far as the GB keyboard goes, you can find an apk on the net for that or even in the market I believe as well.

Im running the latest version of Droid Concepts which is a new froyo rom and I couldnt be happier.
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One of the things I remember from using GB was it had a better DSP manager/equalizer. It had bass boost settings whereas Froyo has the original DSP manager without that. I think also it had more settings available for the brightness control. There may be more, it's been awhile since I've used GB. I'm back using CM 6.1.2. It's just more stable and can multitask whereas I always had trouble with GB roms.
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