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Global Roaming on Sprint Galaxy S3


May 24, 2011
So as people know, Verizon, also a CDMA carrier, is going to issue an OTA update which will let Galaxy S3 owners take their phones around the world, including to GSM countries. I called up Sprint and asked them: if Sprint wanted to, could they do the same, and the guy told me that if they wanted to, they could. Now LTE is a GSM based technology, which means that any LTE phone has GSM capabilities either enabled or disabled in part. I also understand that minus the embedded SIM, the Sprint and Verizon ones are exactly the same. I switched from a Photon, which I still own, in part knowing that this could happen. But the Photon doesn't have LTE or SVDO. The GS3 does have a SIM card, but the plastic cover in the battery case covers, or embeds it. You can clearly see where its embedded. Remember, no one knew months ago that the LG Spectrum and HTC Rezound would eventually become world phones.

I found a petition online seeking to encourage Sprint to do the same. Shouldn't this be a part of the Network Vision, to give customers as many reasons to stay with Sprint as possible?
In data options it says global and gives a phone number to call to activate a global plan.
I believe as of now, on the Sprint GS3, thats just in other CDMA countries like Canada (which uses both CDMA and GSM). I know what you're talking about, roaming settings.

I'm talkin the option to use roaming in Europe, Asia, Africa, or South America, which the VZW Galaxy S3 is gonna have because they're gonna issue an OTA which enables the GSM radio inside when outside of the US. I want Sprint to do that badly, and it makes perfect sense for them to do.
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