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Gmail multiple listings of one email


Jan 3, 2010
I sent an email to three people from my desktop via Gmail. Later I got a notice that I had received an email on my HTC Incredible 2. When I went to the inbox, I found 14 copies of my own email with a reply from one recipient way at the bottom. Lately this problem has increased. What's interesting (apart from the annoyance) is that, when the emails are opened just enough to see the header and first lines of each one, each one starts with the first line of a new paragraph! The first one, when opened, shows the first two and a half paragraphs. The next one shows the first two paragraphs in a different color and starts the third paragraph in black and includes only the third and part of the fourth paragraphs. The third one has the line "Show quoted text" in purple at the top and begins with the fifth paragraph in black.

This nuts! I even get emails in my inbox that are just my sent email with no reply!

I've gone into the settings in Gmail on my desktop and looked at the page of settings for labels and I find it a confusing mess (with no decent instructions, of course). I should add that I'm now using Thunderbird on my desktop and I've found that I can uncheck the "Place a copy in the Sent folder" in Tbird's settings which just prevents it from going into the [IMAP] Sent folder, not the plain old Sent folder.

This is a mess. If anyone has any good suggestions about how to clean this up on my phone, I'm all ears (or eyes, as the case may be).


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