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Gmail notifications


Well-Known Member
So i got my note 8 yesterday and im loving it! But one thing i did struggle with was the lack of unread email badge counter on some apps like gmail and outlook. I have a bit of an odd setup i guess, i want notifications in real time from gamil and an unread badge but i dont want notifications from outlook, but i do want the unread badge. Also i want a popup notification from gmail in my home screen, not just in the lock screen.

Out of the box i was getting notifications (popup) from gmail, but only on the lock screen. If my phone was on i would get the sound alert but no popup. If i pulled down the notification bar i would see the notification from gmail. I tried everything and could not get a popup for gmail or an unread badge. I fixed this by installing the following 2 apps:

1. Floatify (free) - this app is excellent. It basically creates floating notifications for any app you want, both in lock screen and home screen (both or either). You can customise the look and feel of the notification, loads of options and its free! This solved the problem for me of gmail not showing floating notifications in my home screen.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jamworks.floatify&hl=en

2. Notifier (free) - This app is also excellent. What it does is it creates a widget, which is basically the icon of the app you want and it adds the unread badge on it. So now i have a gmail and outlook icon, both with the unread badge when ever new mails arrive (you can also customise this by changing the spacing, fonts, position etc etc).
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.cornwall_solutions.notifyer

So with these 2 apps i've solved my problem. I now get notifications and unread badge for gmail and my unread badge for outlook but without the notifications, which is exactly what i wanted. Both apps show as 0% battery consumption by the way.

Hope this helps others too :)
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