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Help Google Launcher icon...


Hi guys!

Not only am I new here (Hello!), but I'm asking a really idiot question, so please forgive me!

A tiny person has just has the most fun ever (or so it appears) deleting all the icons from my Transformer Prime and whilst I've recovered most of them I just can't see the Google Services launcher that expanded to let me choose all the Google-y goodness... So can anyone help me get it back, please?

Many thanks in advance!
If it is what I think you are talking about. I believe it was the folder on the right screen from the home page?

You just need to create shortcuts for all them google apps on one of your screens, then pickup and drop one icon onto another one. You have just created a folder which you can rename by clicking on the description. Now carry on dropping your shortcuts into this folder until your done. :)
It isn't really a launcher. Just put all of your google apps on a homepage and then long press on one and put it on top of Another. It will group them together in a Folder and you can continue dragging and dropping apps in. Then just click on it an press the Unnamed Folder area and rename it Google Services.

Jay beat me to it.
D'oh! Many thanks indeed, both of you - that just hadn't occurred to me. I greatly appreciate your time and trouble in replying and I'm off to sort things right now!

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