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Google Market VS Apple Store


Android Expert
Any know what if any the differences bettwen the two besides brand name?

Are Apple store download 10x larger then Android downloads?

Been letting my GF son tether off my Android phone so he can get stuff for his Ipod touch and its takes forever and a day to download a cheesy game.

Stuff I could download from Google Market in a few mins tops even with a bad connection, takes him forever and a day with full bars of 3G.

Very confusing why something on the Google Market is like 3 megs n takes 1 min to download, will take him 45mins to get.

I don't believe games are 100s of megs each are they on apple store???

does apple or android filter each other to make such shared use is a PITA so you don't???
Google Market - No paid apps available, free only.
Apple Store - Paid apps available, but requires a Visa or Mastercard credit card.

I think that's the main differences as far as I'm concerned, apart from one is obviously for iOS devices and the other is for Android devices.
mikedt, there are paid apps on the Android market (maybe not for you over there in China).

Main differences, Apple has VERY high standards for apps released to the app store, Google's standards aren't AS high, some 3rd-party markets (Amazon is one) are trying to improve the quality and security of apps.
I think it depends on the games themselves. What game did your boy download? If it's graphic intensive (3D RPG Game), the iOS app can get ridiculously big. There's a limit of how big an app can be on the Market (50mb). If the app is bigger, after installing the app, the first time you open the app, you're asked to download the rest of the app. This isn't the case with the App Store as you simply download the whole app.
The 15 minute return window was driven by game developers.

Most (almost all) of our forum arguments about which processor is better is driven by gamers insisting that only certain processors are worthwhile until Joe and Jane Consumer think it matters in a smartphone. (And manufacturer skins are teh suxorz, can only has pure Android - for "speed" - no skin bloat, no no, skin bloat is bad.)

I can see a GB+ download for movies or something. For game resources, those would normally go as a separate step once the game was downloaded because the additional game crap would go to the sd card.

So, now we have a green light for gamers to bloat a phone, the Market, the whole thing.

I respect people's choices to play games, if that's their choice. But we have an entire ecology being driven by one market segment.

Main differences, Apple has VERY high standards for apps released to the app store, Google's standards aren't AS high, some 3rd-party markets (Amazon is one) are trying to improve the quality and security of apps.

I think we all used to believe that, but if you're like me, you'll find this sample of info very interesting.

Security researcher proves that Apple's security claim is not really true:

iPhone Security Flaw Shows Potential for App Store Malware | PCWorld

Apple responds by removing his developer's license rather than working with him to fix the issue.

Can you trust that the app you got is the actual app, thanks to Apple's airtight standards?

Not really.

Fake Camera+ app hits the iPhone App Store | Naked Security

And are those unique cases or is the problem real and spreading?

Real and spreading.

How Apple is losing its grip on mobile app security

How about your personal data? Which protects it better - Apple's App Store or the independent store from Cydia?

Answer: Cydia

App Store Security Flaws - Is your iPhone Protected? 2011 Study - YouTube

Google and Apple seem about tied for security - and neither is good enough.

The idea that the App Store involves higher standards and better security is simply an urban myth, but that's just my opinion.

PS on app quality - http://androidforums.com/lounge/494401-android-more-stable-than-ios-phandroid-article.html
I think we all used to believe that, but if you're like me, you'll find this sample of info very interesting.

Security researcher proves that Apple's security claim is not really true:
iPhone Security Flaw Shows Potential for App Store Malware | PCWorld

Apple responds by removing his developer's license rather than working with him to fix the issue.

Can you trust that the app you got is the actual app, thanks to Apple's airtight standards?

Not really.

Fake Camera+ app hits the iPhone App Store | Naked Security

And are those unique cases or is the problem real and spreading?

Real and spreading.

How Apple is losing its grip on mobile app security

How about your personal data? Which protects it better - Apple's App Store or the independent store from Cydia?

Answer: Cydia
Google and Apple seem about tied for security - and neither is good enough.

The idea that the App Store involves higher standards and better security is simply an urban myth, but that's just my opinion.

PS on app quality - http://androidforums.com/lounge/494401-android-more-stable-than-ios-phandroid-article.html

I also remember reading an article that had a study on how many times an app crashes on iOS vs Android. And android apps (according to the study) suffered from far less crashes.

Android vs iOS – Which Is Really More Stable? New Data May Surprise You
fluff article ^

you can do all the same things on the old market.
I have more then one device on said account and use my PC to direct downloads to each one.

like writing an article about a new tire design that is more round.
My take on the differences, speaking as a developer:

On Android
1) We lose 10% of our income to "internal market error"
2) We have to manually process returns
3) The stats page is next to useless
4) We're forever getting complaints that apps wont download/install despite the guy having an exabyte SD card. This is a built in autofail from linux/droid and is nowt to do with us at all

Whilst on AppStore
1) We just sell stuff and get paid.

Sorry, I'm no fanboy of either system and both have strengths and weaknesses. But Apple's transaction management is pretty much perfect whereas Google's works like my mom wrote it. That the inferior code here came from Google ffs makes it feel even worse, can you think of anyone who you'd guess should be numero uno at internet database transactions?
+5 Insightful

I also have to take a pot shot at Google's failure to provide relevant search results in the Market (uh uh, Google Play).

Most things I search for, I get live wallpapers and Bible apps. Nothing wrong with that if you want a live wallpaper or Bible app, just saying - their search is really bad. I've even typed in the _exact_ name of an app and had it not show up until page two.

PS - I've been using Chomp to search for apps in the Market, but Apple just recently bought them, so I don't know if I'll continue to have that option or not.
Glad someone else noticed the lousy search. I checked on Launchers and got pages of skins for GO launcher before any of the actual launcher apps.

Maybe anyone who programs searches should :

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