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Google Now Swiped Away Traffic Card by Accident


Android Expert
So, I decided to try out Google Now again. I got the weather and traffic card to show up. I accidentally swiped away my traffic card which I want back. How do I get it back? There does not seem to be a way to force the card to come back like right now.
At the bottom of the Google Now page there is a mini-card that says "show more cards". Click the menu button (three dots)>then settings>then Google Now. When you click on any of the available cards there is a switch to turn that feature on or off. You can also customize your cards from this menu.
At the bottom of the Google Now page there is a mini-card that says "show more cards". Click the menu button (three dots)>then settings>then Google Now. When you click on any of the available cards there is a switch to turn that feature on or off. You can also customize your cards from this menu.

There is no option to turn on the traffic card right now. I have to actually wait until Google Now thinks I am about to commute soon before displaying it. For instance, it's 9:30pm where I am. There is no way I can get the traffic card up because GN does not think I should see it. I have to wait for tomorrow morning. Now if I swipe away the card in the morning and then forget what the traffic is like and want to check again, there is absolutely no way I can get the card to come back up right at that moment. Try it yourself. Before you go to work, swipe away the card and then try to get it back. You can't you have to wait until before you are about to come back home before it shows you the traffic card for your commute home.
I missed the "like right now" part of your post. I work from home so I can't really test this out with a traffic card but when I swipe away all my cards then toggle Google Now off and on again, the cards all reappear.
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