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Help Google Services Eating Battery?


Jun 21, 2011
Hi, first time note user and LOVING the GN3. A day or two ago I opened up Google Now and agreed to the permissions of location and Web searches. Since then Google Services are 2nd in my battery usage. I have gone back into Google Now settings and disabled it but the Google Services is still 2nd in the list. Also, I believe my battery is draining quicker as well, at 80% at 11 am with light use. Any tips or ideas? Thanks!
Great topic!

I have noticed that at night I'll drop 25 to 50% charge (overnight) with out using the N3 andin the morning I find that Google Services had been running the most. (30~40% of use).
I have been shutting off different Apps that will wake the phone but I have not found the one that trigers Google Services...... :stickyman:

I will follow this thread to see what you folks think.
OP, thanks for posting this.

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I have investigated the issue more. First off it seems like Android 4.3 does tend to have a higher percentage of battery drain from Google Services but that percentage may not be quite as bad as you would think...

Google Services, battery usage and other areas of confusion | Android Central

Just weird that I didn't notice such a high percentage until I enabled some things in Google Now, and now I can't seem to get it to drop back down to where I didn't notice it.

I dug into different settings more and disabled some more things in Google (will see tomorrow if I can get Google Service to drop back down to a more reasonable percentage)

Open Google Now > Settings > Privacy & accounts > Google location settings > Access location

I unchecked "access location". If I remember correctly when the Google Now switch was off I dug into the above setting and still found the "Access Location" box checked that allows google apps to use your location any time the phone is on, I guess through wifi or cell towers. I unchecked that.

I also went in to my Google Account settings and found that everything was checked to sync by default. So I unchecked most things I don't need as the above poster mentioned. I'll pull it off the charger and hopefully tomorrow Google Services will not be beating my screen in power consumption!

With everything said tonight I am at 40% charge, 17h 44m on battery, 3 hrs 6 min of screen on. I can't complain TOO much ha ha. I did disable some of the above mentioned things earlier in the day though. The real test comes tomorrow.

Thanks for the responses!
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I have noticed that at night I'll drop 25 to 50% charge (overnight) with out using the N3 and in the morning I find that Google Services had been running the most. (30~40% of use).
I have been shutting off different Apps that will wake the phone but I have not found the one that triggers Google Services...... :stickyman:
Still having this issue. I have been watching Google Services in the daytime and it may only use 2~6%.
But at night, with the phone not being used it will be at 30~40% and my battery has dropped 30~ 50% in 7/8 hours.
Very interesting??????

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Google Services has disappeared from my power usage list and all I remember doing is the following:

I powered off my phone and restarted it, then plugged it in for the nightly charge and today Google Services is no where to be found. Go figure but the most basic thing to resolve issues worked. Let me know if anyone else has success after doing this.
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... Also, I believe my battery is draining quicker as well, at 80% at 11 am with light use...

I charge my GN3 in the evening and it loses 3-5% overnight only

...I have noticed that at night I'll drop 25 to 50% charge (overnight) with out using the N3 andin the morning I find that Google Services had been running the most. (30~40% of use)...

I didn't have that issue yet

Amazing battery life. Heavy usage can last up to 2 days. Moderate usage is 3 to 4 days.

Amazing! I guess we don't have the same "heavy" usage. I killed the battery once in a day and yesterday 2 hours of navigation (with maps) drained over 50% of the battery, i had to recharge it in the car. Usually i drain 60-80% per day depending how "heavy" my usage was.
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