This has happened to me with a few other apps. I've found only two ways to cure it: await an update of the affected app, which then shows an "update" button in the market, and will overwrite whatever's futzed up; or, wipe the Droid completely. I'm such an app hound, that I tend to do a wipe every other month anyway.
(I've been schooled by a dev-- some of the uninstall apps do a lousy job, which we discover after the fact. The only fail-safe method for complete uninstalls is through settings. Not even the Market uninstall is fool proof, so I'm told.)
To make the wipe process dirt easy, take some preparation steps. Menu > Settings > Privacy > be sure to checkmark "Back up my settings". In that same area, you'll see "Factory data reset".
Backup ALL apk/apps to the SD card, as the freebies will not appear in your Market download list. AppControl *will* grab all of them. I also use freebie Listables, which is incredibly helpful. Makes an html file on your SD of all installed apps, with each linked to its Market page.
If you don't have MyBackup Pro, run a search on backup in the Market. Grab the freebies for backing up (1) SMS and (2) Call Log. While your contacts should flow nicely from google's server, to be absolutely safe, you may also want to grab freebie Export Contacts. Makes a csv file on your SD card. If the unlikely event that something goes wrong, that csv file will save you tons of time and grief.
Finally, grab one of the home replacement apps which lets you make a screenshot of your home screens. That way, you can use the pics to more easily re-create your screens. dxTop will do this, so pressing the camera button snaps the pic, but cost $$ (ahem: 24 hour refund period). Dunno which freebies have screenshot capability. Perhaps another user will chime in.
(For the record, I kept dxtop: 5-icon customizable app dock; intelligent task killer/monitor; apps organization via categories in app drawer; screenshots; no lags; no grief. Only one that likes ALL my widgets!)