Hello Android fans, here is my situation.
I bought two Nexus One phones of the AT&T flavor, so I can use their 3G network. As with all Nexus One's from Google, the phones are unlocked.
The plan I enrolled in was for $119.00 for two smartphones with 550 minutes and unlimited data, but with no texting (as it costs like an extra $30 a month).
I decided to use Google Voice app, under the assumption that it transmits the messages via the data network, as I can use it under Wi-Fi just fine.
Well I got charged for sending 15 messages on my phone, and my girlfriend's phone (the other Nexus One) got charged 15 messages for receiving it. I checked my usage and it showed my Google number and listed the action as being "Text/Instant Message". So I owed about $6.00 in texts for just one week.
It isn't the price that bothers me, I already paid it, but I thought the point of data is we could use it for whatever we wanted as long as it didn't break the ToS. I haven't done it, but the fact that my GV messages were listed as "Text/Instant Message" does that mean using an AIM app would also charge me? Even though I paid for unlimited data?
As usual, the AT&T reps didn't know anything about Google Voice, or Android. Today I put a block on both my phones so that neither of them can receive text messages (I didn't know it was one of the few services that was offered for free). However, I was able to send and receive two Google Voice messages even after the block was enabled, so does this mean I will be charged again? Or perhaps the SMS block will block the portion of Google Voice considered as "text"?
I have heard people in the past use Google Voice successfully without a text plan, and would like to know if AT&T has found a way to charge for it.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I bought two Nexus One phones of the AT&T flavor, so I can use their 3G network. As with all Nexus One's from Google, the phones are unlocked.
The plan I enrolled in was for $119.00 for two smartphones with 550 minutes and unlimited data, but with no texting (as it costs like an extra $30 a month).
I decided to use Google Voice app, under the assumption that it transmits the messages via the data network, as I can use it under Wi-Fi just fine.
Well I got charged for sending 15 messages on my phone, and my girlfriend's phone (the other Nexus One) got charged 15 messages for receiving it. I checked my usage and it showed my Google number and listed the action as being "Text/Instant Message". So I owed about $6.00 in texts for just one week.
It isn't the price that bothers me, I already paid it, but I thought the point of data is we could use it for whatever we wanted as long as it didn't break the ToS. I haven't done it, but the fact that my GV messages were listed as "Text/Instant Message" does that mean using an AIM app would also charge me? Even though I paid for unlimited data?
As usual, the AT&T reps didn't know anything about Google Voice, or Android. Today I put a block on both my phones so that neither of them can receive text messages (I didn't know it was one of the few services that was offered for free). However, I was able to send and receive two Google Voice messages even after the block was enabled, so does this mean I will be charged again? Or perhaps the SMS block will block the portion of Google Voice considered as "text"?
I have heard people in the past use Google Voice successfully without a text plan, and would like to know if AT&T has found a way to charge for it.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.