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Google's Chief Java Architect admits that he copied Sun code into Android

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One of Oracle's allegations of direct copying of code from the Java codebase into Android is a function that is in the Arrays class of Java and resurfaced in the Android TimSort class. The following image (click to enlarge) shows a line-by-line comparison of the two code segments -- it's fair to say they're simply identical.

"Q. BY MR. JACOBS: Do you have a recollection of accessing Sun code while you were working on TimSort?

A. I don't have a recollection, but I'm perfectly willing to believe that I did. You know, I think the similarity of the signature, the fact that, you know, the three arguments are in the same order and have the same name, you know, is a strong indication that it is likely that I did."

FOSS Patents: Google engineer admits to "strong indication that it is likely" that he copied Sun code into Android
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