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Help GPS signal lost constantly, slow tracking


Jan 28, 2011
Brand new phone, had it for about 3 weeks now. I rely heavily on GPS, and my 5 year old mytouch 4g was 1000 times better than what I'm getting with the note 4.

Yesterday was a pretty heavy driving day, 200 miles or so. GPS lost signal probably 10 times in a major city. On top of that, it constantly lags... it shows where I'm at, says to take a turn in 800ft (or whatever), then it stalls until after I pass the turn and then reconnects. Very frustrating.

Any tips here? I'm about to take it back, but figured I'd check in here to see if anyone else was getting these issue's.

Also, when signal is lost, the gps notification is blinking, but many times when it just lags, it shows I have a locked signal.


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