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Grades: Student Organizer question


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010
I've been considering buying this app, because I've never been one to keep up with my grades, but being in an AP class this year I figure I should start so I can know if I need to study extra and things of that nature. So I'm wondering, is the app worth the 99 cents? I know I can get a refund in 24 hours, but I don't like blindly buying something without knowing things like how stable it is, any bugs, and if theres any issues in general.

So let me know what you think of this app, I look forward to seeing some "reviews" of it.
I love this app. It took a little time to figure it out but it is so worth the .99 in my opinion. Both my SO and I have the app. At the beginning of the semester when the instructor gave out the syllabus as they were talking I imputed assignments and instructor's information in at that time. Haven't had to look at the syllabus again. Everything is right on my phone.

Get it I think you will love it also.
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