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Help Group messages blank


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2010
Metro Atlanta
I'm looking for someone to help. Have the HTC 10, stock, and am using (for the first time), the messages app that comes with the phone. In group messages (Group Conversation), I have been told by two different people now, that when they receive my text it is just my name with no message. Have looked through the settings briefly and don't see anything obvious. Also, both people I'm having problems with are other Android phones and it doesn't matter if I start the group text or they do. Individual messages go through fine. My carrier is VZW. Please help me and thanx in advance.

I attached what my buddy receives from me in group messages. The first two messages are from me, nothing goes through. The other two messages are from someone else, goes through fine.


  • 2016-09-20 02.39.57.png
    2016-09-20 02.39.57.png
    716.3 KB · Views: 192
I can see everyone texts and some people get mine fine (iPhone user), but other's get everyone else's but just see mine as blank. This happens on both wifi and mobile data. I will try a different messenger, I have always used handcent in the past, just tried this to stay closer to the minimalist experience HTC was going for with the 1o. Will try google messenger.
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Google Messenger fixed the problem as soon as it installed, weird. Now, is there a way to customize/personalize Google Messenger? Balloon styles, colors, background, etc? The setting menu seems pretty limited
Afraid not, though Google announced Allo, which is supposed to be the ultimate message app, so maybe cool new options in that? Hangouts (also google) is a possibility, you can use that for sms/mms, and I think you can play around with that.

But, HTC Message app not working is still weird. You check play store for latest version? (some of the htc apps show in there). Almost screams a settings is awry, but don't think it is worth digging for it and testing. I abandoned the htc app after it didn't support Android Wear functionality.
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He says he's using a HTC 10

No, I get that
I mean his prior device (s), from the past.
(I now see he says he used to use handcent-probably Android? But not just the last device, any history with Apple devices)

Folks that switch from iPhone to Android sometimes have many messaging problems if they used to use iMessage, as it will sometimes continue to try to do the messaging tasks for contacts.

Im trying to clue into the fact that certain of his contacts, that use iPhones, are getting messages that others are not. Just a rediculous hypothesis
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