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Help group texting leads to unread single texts


So, if I don't happen to have 4G on (I don't keep it on because it always drains the heck out of my battery) and I get a group text it will mess up my individual texts.

For example. Lets say I'm in a group text between John, Mary, and I. Well, I just so happen to not have 4G on and John adds to the group text (which obviously requires a 4G connection). My phone will show up an unread, empty text from John (Not the group, just John). By now I have come to realize that is a group text and will proceed to turn on 4G. Well that fixes the blank text from John but it ushers a whole new problem. The group text will appear and its all good from a group perspective. However, now it will show that I have an unread message from Mary when I really don't. She gets highlighted because she is also a part of the group. Same for John as well. So at the end of the day I will end end up with an "unread message" from both John and Mary because they were a part of a group text that I received with 4G off.

And it won't go away until I proceed to text them individually. I will have to go on to text john individually for the "unread message" to go away. then I will have to text Mary individually before her "unread message" will go away.

After googling the problem the best I could I tried to solve it by clearing any cache or data in the messaging app (running stock messaging btw) through settings. Didn't work.

So... thoughts?
Switch to Google Messages as your messaging app. Or just leave mobile data on.

The stock messaging app is pretty old and really not all that great.
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