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Root GSB 3.4+ vs. XTRsense5.01


Android Enthusiast
Jun 26, 2010
I have xtrSense5.01 running on two Erii. I tried GSB around the 2.8x release mark. Since I wanted the sense-like clock, I installed beautiful widgets. I found that, overall, GSB didn't seem to perform as snappy as XTR.

I did recently notice that GSB defaults the CPU to 604/245 and xtr is set at 745/210...

Has anyone clocked GSB up to 745 and compared the overall performance between the two ROMS? If GSB clocked at 745 isn't faster than XTR, I'll just stick with XTR as it's quick and very stable.

I have xtrSense5.01 running on two Erii. I tried GSB around the 2.8x release mark. Since I wanted the sense-like clock, I installed beautiful widgets. I found that, overall, GSB didn't seem to perform as snappy as XTR.

I did recently notice that GSB defaults the CPU to 604/245 and xtr is set at 745/210...

Has anyone clocked GSB up to 745 and compared the overall performance between the two ROMS? If GSB clocked at 745 isn't faster than XTR, I'll just stick with XTR as it's quick and very stable.


Let's start with this: Of course, this is merely my opinion.

I go back and forth, basically weekly, these days between xtrSENSE, and either GSB or CondemnedSoul's CM7 (both very, very similar). I just set up GSB 3.5 last night after about three full weeks of xtrSENSE.

Here's what I think: unless you absolutely need features that are available only to Froyo and above, stick with xtrSENSE. The only other difference is that, all things being equal - same speed settings, same apps set to the same update schedule, same amount of activity - I get better battery life with the CM7 ROMs, easily. However, I agree with your sense of device speed - xtrSENSE feels faster (or at least more responsive) at the same clock settings.

Also, of course, xtrSENSE is completely compatible with all things Verizon (i.e., it always sends and receives MMS messages perfectly, it's GPS and navigation always work perfectly for me, you can easily update PRLs when you dial *228, and you can easily wake the screen while on call with bluetooth or speakerphone if the display sleeps.)

However, I do suggest spending at least a few days with GSB to see how it works for you. If it doesn't work well, you can always Nandroid restore back to xtrSENSE and live happily with that ROM. It's an excellent choice for the Eris.
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Thanks, Doogald.

It believe it is a testament to Zach that his xtrSense ROM is basically the gold standard to compare to.

There's nothing really pressing on GB that I want/need. I've become a flashaholic on my Droid Incredible and was itching to do something on the Eris.
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