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Gtalk issues Nexus One Froyo


Well Hi people im having a rare issue with Google Talk in my Nexus One (2.2 Froyo) it keeps disconecting me i have the Away option turned off and the WiFi sleep Policy turned "never" Im using a 3G network with a correct APN. My Gtalk version its 1.3 :s It disconnects while im on gtalk or in standby.


all the time? sometimes? Gtalk has always "occasionally" signed me off, but it's pretty random, and not on a daily basis.
Actually all the time, first i thought it was a wrong APN setting with my 3G Provider, but i double check it. :(
Actually all the time, first i thought it was a wrong APN setting with my 3G Provider, but i double check it. :(

Hrm... That's no good. I'm using the beejive Beta right now and not getting any active disconnects other than the occasional ones I spoke about. I have gotten the same for Gtalk, Trillian Beta, and even on the iPhone Beejive client. I think random disconnects are part of the game on mobile, but it sounds like you've got another issue.
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