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Guitar to Phone?


Apr 7, 2012
So I have a question for all you Triumph users. :) EVO 4G or not?

Ha just kidding mods ;) Anyway, I've been itching to record lately but I haven't gotten around to putting OSX on my computer. But, MAYBE, with some adaptors, is there anyway I could record straight into the phone?
So I have a question for all you Triumph users. :) EVO 4G or not?

Ha just kidding mods ;) Anyway, I've been itching to record lately but I haven't gotten around to putting OSX on my computer. But, MAYBE, with some adaptors, is there anyway I could record straight into the phone?

i was looking for apps for this too, not much you can do about it. i dont think the headphone jack can be reversed as an input.

also, the impedances would be all wrong, like plugging a guitar into your PCs mic port... doesnt work out the way you hope.

get a multi effects unit and run the "line-out" into your PC. you will be better off waiting until you can afford getting the pc working, as well as getting the effects.

in the end the wait will have yielded a powerful recording setup for a newby.

you dont even need an amp, if the multi effects can replicate cabs, all you need is the line out to PC and use the PC speakers as the amp, as the effects is doing all the voice processing.

a decent set of logitech desktop speakers for 40$ will go a LONG way and last you until you get some studio monitors and proffessional hardware and software going on.
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