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Gutted this forum is not active


Android Enthusiast
This is the best Smartphone i have ever owned and i genuinely look forward to our next 18 months together! Normally by this time im already planning my next phone. But not with this one.

Its just such a shame it doesnt seem to have had a huge uptake and that there is hardly any activity on this forum. People ask questions and they just never really get answered or there are only 1 or 2 replies.

Such a shame!
i love mine, haven't had any issues aside from a temporary battery life problem which i resolved. perhaps there'll be more posts as the lollipop update approaches..
9 days and the first reply!

I hadn't to ask, what was your battery problem? My battery has suddenly turned really bad all of a sudden. Even in plus mode I've got 18% left after only 15hrs. And only the "normal" stuff on the battery usage section.
9 days and the first reply!

I hadn't to ask, what was your battery problem? My battery has suddenly turned really bad all of a sudden. Even in plus mode I've got 18% left after only 15hrs. And only the "normal" stuff on the battery usage section.

Have you installed or updated any apps recently?

Noticed a dip in signal strength? Bad signal can have a massive impact on battery drain.

From the battery screen with the graph on it, is anything keeping your device awake?
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Have you installed or updated any apps recently?

Noticed a dip in signal strength? Bad signal can have a massive impact on battery drain.

From the battery screen with the graph on it, is anything keeping your device awake?

Definitely noticed a drop in signal strength recently. Been annoying me a lot actually but I'm sure there is nothing I can do about that.

One thing I have noticed is that on the graph, the Wi-Fi line is solid blue, surely sayng it's in use? But I never stitch Wi-Fi on as my 4g is faster. Already double checked, Wi-Fi is definitely switched off.
Weird, the solid blue means wifi is definitely on. Is location based WiFi checked in the Power Management screen?

Can you post a screen shot of the graph please? Hold Power + Volume down to take the screen shot and just attach it to your response.

Regardless, I bet the signal issues are having a negative impact on your battery. The weaker the signal the more power the phone pushes to the radio in an effort to get a better one.
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