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Had I been Hexed?


Android Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2012
It as been a struggle to tune my Note 10+ to the way I like my phones and one of the preferences is a universally dark (preferably black) theme. I used Substratum on my previous, rooted, phones.

Hex was a godsend and didn't seem to need nearly the babysitting that Substratum did with constant updates to overlays.

Until today.

Yesterday or the day before I had clicked on app updates from the Play Store and nothing had happened but I brished it off as I was busy. Today I had the same and got a crash report. Familiar with these from SubStra I set about regenerating the theme in Hex. Initially it fixed Google Play Store but was the stock grey night theme, not the full black so after everything updated I tried again.
Galaxy themes crashed. On a new reboot changes had reverted and I was seeing white background notifications.There was no going back as to remove the theme/overlays that were crashing Galaxy Themes I needed Galaxy Themes. Various Hex troubleshooting and app data/cache resets were no help.

So.. Safe mode. OK, in safe mode you cannot change the theme but that does not matter because, to my dismay, I found that safe mode doesn't just reset absolutely everything in safe mode, when you come out of it those resets stick to non-safe. Wallpaper gone, default keybboard reset, default launcher reset, theme default (OK, that I wanted).

Anyway. I could have just dropped in and out of safe I think to reset the theme and with Galaxy Themes working again I was able to successfully reapply my Hex theme and then start stitching my preferred environment back together in a visually comfortable theme.

Pretty certain I did somethign wrong in the initial re-apply to get Play Store working and picked the wrong High_contrast, or missed a reboot. I had a nagging feel in the back of my head throughout the repair.

Highlights the importance of not missing any steps in a Hex theme install but also a way out, albeit an annoying one, if follks do end up in a catch 22 with G Themes.
Try clearing your cache(s) and then rebooting the phone. Sometimes with updates if old version data is cached it could wreak havoc with the update.
Kinda already said I had it all sorted despite clearing the chaches and rebooting the phone not working and having to go into safe mode to reset the theme that was killing the updated Galaxy apps. This is an advisory, not a request for help. Thanks anyway though.
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