My husband has Google Voice number on his phone he states he doesn't know where it come from the states he doesn't have a Hangout app but I find history where he's been on there. He always keeps his volumes is notifications and messages silent play joint account without Verizon which I am the account holder so I have his email password and I've created his account on my phone also or I can go in and look at his activity history email and so on. On his phone there is no hang out out but it is on my phone in his account how is that possible and how can I tell if he's deleting them and then reinstall when he wants to get on that site. He has multiple multiple messages every day that come through his phone with sites with women on it play father language telling him that they're only a few miles away from him. also and in his activity history there is a, he states that he's never been to any of them sites that's something through Chrome and that if they just pop up randomly. is this possible?