Android Expert
Yesterday was the 122nd birthday of the Father of Modern Horror, H.P. Lovecraft. I have always loved the Cthulhu mythos, but have put off reading Lovecraft for years.
The first couple stories I read were like reading Stephen King, but better, more descriptive and dark and scary. Now I understood why during my teen years my older friends teased me for reading King instead of Lovecraft.
The first thing I purchased when I got my tablet was The Complete Works of HPL for the Kindle App. I am currently reading Dagon.
I know a lot of people have problems with him because he was racist and xenophobic. So was my Grandmother and I still loved her.
The first couple stories I read were like reading Stephen King, but better, more descriptive and dark and scary. Now I understood why during my teen years my older friends teased me for reading King instead of Lovecraft.
The first thing I purchased when I got my tablet was The Complete Works of HPL for the Kindle App. I am currently reading Dagon.
I know a lot of people have problems with him because he was racist and xenophobic. So was my Grandmother and I still loved her.