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has anyone successfully dwnloaded and played a rom without pc?


I bought and installed psx4droid 2day on my epic. I've been trying 2 get roms 2 run for hours now my pc is in the shop so I'm doing it all on my phone. I got the roms (which are for games I already own ;)) I used androzip which extracted the files to a 7zip file which in turn extracted to a cue and 14 mb bin....has anyone gotten psx roms to work just using their phone?
Yeah, I got vigilante 8 to work with just using my phone. (well I cheated and searched using my computer and then sent the links to download to my phone using foxtophone)
Well wth? I got disc 1 of ff7 downloaded and extracted but when I start it up it just goes black....when I touch the screen I get it 2 vibrate like it does when hitting a button and I can get the emulator settngs to come up but thas it....any ideas anyone?
What phone are you trying to run it on? Do you have the PSX bios file? The rom i'm running is a .bin not sure if that helps. Maybe it just isn't working with your device?
I have a bin file as well and I'm running it on an epic so support shouldn't be an issue....I do hve the bios file in place as well...
Dunno. FF7 runs fine on my Epic (but just because it's an Epic doesn't mean things will run fast... all games work the same on 1 Ghz phones as the emulator doesn't use the GPU).

Could be a bad rom. Only reliable way to make roms work is to rip them yourself.
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