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Having second thoughts (preorder)


Android Enthusiast
I currently have a VZW Galaxy Nexus. Love the phone's design, screen, and stock ICS... but have really been disappointed by the radio/antenna and the camera. The radio is such that I am rarely on 4G, and even when I am, I'm barely getting anything better than 5-7 mbps down. Not to mention the 3G/4G handoff issues that have plagued the phone from launch. The camera, while fast with minimal shutter lag, is disappointing in actual image quality.

With that in mind, I preordered the white Galaxy S3 a short while back, but I'm having second thoughts. I have no doubt the camera will be better, so that's a plus. I think I'll like the slightly larger screen, the improvement in the pentile display, the white form factor, and some of the Touchwiz improvements that make the phone more fun to use.

However, I am admittedly pessimistic about the radio/antenna. By all accounts, the reception seems fine in the GMS version of the phone, and even the Sprint CDMA version so far. However, I have low confidence that Samsung will get this right on Verizon's LTE network. Do we really even know exactly what the problem was with the Gnex? Bad radio? Bad antenna? Software problem? Who knows... If the reception isn't markedly better on the S3, then I will come away disappointed.

I'm also concerned about bugs and glitches with the Samsung software overlay. I really like the stock ICS experience without having to worry about carrier or manufacturer bugs and annoyances. I also like the ease at which I've been able to unlock, root, and install custom roms on the phone. But I guess the S3 will be quickly rootable (I know it's already available for the current versions that have released) and development on the VZW version should be plentiful, right?

Sorry, just thinking out loud... probably the smartest thing would have been to wait to order the phone until after reviews of the VZW version came in, but that really wasn't an option since I am upgrading and want to keep my unlimited data.

I guess there's always a return policy... (minus the $35 restocking fee)... definitely keeping my Gnex until I know I like the S3.
However, I am admittedly pessimistic about the radio/antenna. By all accounts, the reception seems fine in the GMS version of the phone, and even the Sprint CDMA version so far. However, I have low confidence that Samsung will get this right on Verizon's LTE network.

All of the US variants have the same S4 SoC with the radios on the die. i.e. all of the US versions have the same radios. ;)

Snapdragon (system on chip) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All of the US variants have the same S4 SoC with the radios on the die. i.e. all of the US versions have the same radios. ;)

Snapdragon (system on chip) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because the radio has all the frequenceies for all variants of networks does not mean they will all have equal performance. The radio still has to be tuned to Verizon's LTE network, which means its performance may not be anything like the other networks. It very well could have equal performance, or it could be equally as poor as the Gnex. Verizon's unique authentication and switchover methods from 3G/4G also come into play.

I am hopeful, but skeptical.
Just because the radio has all the frequenceies for all variants of networks does not mean they will all have equal performance. The radio still has to be tuned to Verizon's LTE network, which means its performance may not be anything like the other networks. It very well could have equal performance, or it could be equally as poor as the Gnex. Verizon's unique authentication and switchover methods from 3G/4G also come into play.

I am hopeful, but skeptical.

Your right... I think you should cancel your order.
What worries me, is that my Galaxy Nexus is so great the SIII might not have the same wow factor for me. If the SIII had software keys I wouldn't think twice, but, I'm not sure how I feel about hardware keys.
What worries me, is that my Galaxy Nexus is so great the SIII might not have the same wow factor for me. If the SIII had software keys I wouldn't think twice, but, I'm not sure how I feel about hardware keys.

It's definitely going to be a change, especially with the back key on the other side. I actually find the capacitive buttons a little annoying, to be honest. There are times when I press them and they aren't responsive. And sometimes I feel I have to press it in a specific way for it to register. On the other hand, Samsung has gone against Google's design recommendations and I'm not a big fan of that.

I think the "wow factor" will still be there. From most accounts, the screen is improved (no more pattern effect in white areas when brightness is lower, for example). The screen is also a little bigger, and the phone is a little thinner (assuming the Verizon version isn't bigger than the other versions). The camera is supposed to be very similar to the iPhone 4S camera (which is fantastic), whereas the Gnex camera is fast but not very good photo quality. I'm also looking forward to some of the unique things Samsung has added in terms of software functionality. I just hope there aren't very many bugs and that we don't have to wait forever for updates (though I'll likely switch to a custom rom anyway).
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