Hi there folks realy like this site well i just bought a galaxy portal last week
so what iam here to ask what cool things can i do to this phone..
links to the things i can do would be great
well heres a wee bit info on phone
locked to 3 payg UK
Model number : GT-I5700
Firmware version : 2.1-update
base version :i570EXXJC1
kernel version : 2.69 root@SE-s011 #2
Build number :ECLAIR .XXjCD
So if anyone has the time to help me out that be great

so what iam here to ask what cool things can i do to this phone..
links to the things i can do would be great

well heres a wee bit info on phone
locked to 3 payg UK
Model number : GT-I5700
Firmware version : 2.1-update
base version :i570EXXJC1
kernel version : 2.69 root@SE-s011 #2
Build number :ECLAIR .XXjCD
So if anyone has the time to help me out that be great