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Help Headset mic button stopped working


Jul 29, 2012
Not sure when this started but it may be related to a 2.2 update I ran about a month ago (although I also updated some other apps at the same time that could be responsible?). Since then my headset button stopped working along with the mic. I can still use the headset to listen to music but the button won't start / stop tracks, and when a call comes in, the button won't answer the call either. If I answer manually, the caller can't hear me at all although, just as with music, I can hear through the headset fine.

i could really do with some help or advice. What happened!!?

Some other info:
The headset icon shows the mic version.
I installed Plug Headphones and Headset Controller apps
Uninstalling them hasn't resolved anything
It worked fine with this headset for months
I tested with the default headset and got the same problem


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