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Android Enthusiast
Nov 28, 2011
Hello fellows!

Just passing by to introducing myself as a new comer to the android world.

I bought a galaxy s yesterday, and I'm loving it, just like the os itself.I'm from rio de janeiro and a former ipod touch user. I really liked android, mainly the swype keyboard.

But I gotta admit that I liked apple's web browsing way better, since I can't figured how to manage the bookmarks on the android browsers....also the pages seem to be smother in ipod, mainly the scrolling...

But I hope there is some kind of work around on that, and I can enjoy android fully.


Welcome to the forum. What kind of problem are you having with the browser bookmarks? Are you trying to add a bookmark? Android OS is very intuitive & customizable (a plus over many of the others). Just like any other platform - It takes a little getting use to. Let us know the problem you're having in more detail, and I'm sure someone here will explain how to get it done.

Thanks for signing up. :)
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Welcome to the forum. What kind of problem are you having with the browser bookmarks? Are you trying to add a bookmark? Android OS is very intuitive & customizable (a plus over many of the others). Just like any other platform - It takes a little getting use to. Let us know the problem you're having in more detail, and I'm sure someone here will explain how to get it done.

Thanks for signing up. :)
Hey Lindsay,

Thanks for the warm welcome. :)

Well, I'm not having "problems", but there are some stuff in Android that are really cheap compared to Apple's solutions.

One of the main issues involve web browsing. Let me explain, in parts:

1: I am having a hard time to manage my bookmarks, in the Android default browser. I mean, I can't reorder them according to m likes, nor delete multiple bookmarks at once.

2: I would like to download the same bookmarks I have on my PC (Chrome) and save them in the browser, but I think that's not possible. I downloaded the Xmarks app, and synced it in my PC. It did download the bookmars to my phone, but they're not in the browser. That means I have to open the Xmarks app and then choose the link from there, and it will open in the browser? Why doesn't it allow me to save those links to the browser bookmarks already? Would make it much easier.

3: I think this can't be helped in Android, but I REALLY miss my iPod's scroll-to-the-top by tapping the upper part of the screen. Some sites (9gag, for example) are too long, and scrolling up can get annoying.

4: My browser isn't feeling as smooth as Safari does in iPod. I can't explain, but I think the scrolling around, and zooming in and out doesn't feel that fluid, but maybe that's a settings issue, like auto-detecting the language format, on demand plug ins, etc. If you have any tip to make my browser faster and smoother, feel free to suggest.

And I have some other doubts too, but not really browser-related. But let's try to solve those first, because I really want to have a pleasant browsing experience on my brand new cell phone, just like I do in my iPod. (4th gen, iOS 5)

And as you said, Android's customizability is what grabs you into it.

Welcome to Android Forums! If you haven't discovered it yet the Samsung Galaxy S - Android Forums forums has a lot of great info specific to your phone. There you can get "tips & tricks" that will help you get the most out of your new Galaxy S. Thanks for taking the time to stop in and say hello. I hope you enjoy the ride.
Thanks, flame. I will look into it asap. :cool:
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Are you crying - I hope that's tears of joy from you finding out how awesome the Android OS is.

Each platform has their "pros and cons" - there are a lot of features Android has that Apple dont have... And vice versa. But we're not going to get into that right now. As for the browsing experience on my EVO 3d I really don't have any problems thus far. I do believe that each phone browsing experience varies.

I hope by you getting more familiar with Android and the forum - you'll be able to adjust and find ways of making things work for you. ;)
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That was just a joke. I noticed that you left me behind. :

As for the browsing, I managed to tweak the default browser to my liking, so it's alright now, except that I can't find out how to scroll down the emoticons pop up in a forum that I visit... If you know the trick, that would definitely solve my problems.

Also, I noticed that this device is a powerhouse, so the battery goes off pretty fast...lasted 6 hours yesterday. :eek:

So I'm trying some apps.

Anyway s, thanks for the feedback, and I'm not leaving android any soon. I'm lovin' it.
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