Could anyone help
They are both really close in size, spec wise nexus has better processor, though i fail to see why you would need a quad core on a phone.
I dont plan on doing anything special on them, im not big on apps (maybe weather, bank account and a few others) I want the phone to take decent pictures and video - My HTC Evo 3d, ironically while being a gimmicky camera phone takes horrible pictures if the person is not sitting as still as a statue.
I like the idea of the Nexus 4 being made my LG and Google. But i dont know anyone with one. While my cousin ha a GS3 and loves it and wouldnt see why i would want the Nexus 4.
any help here? Also i dont want to wait for teh GS4 because that is out of my price range.
They are both really close in size, spec wise nexus has better processor, though i fail to see why you would need a quad core on a phone.
I dont plan on doing anything special on them, im not big on apps (maybe weather, bank account and a few others) I want the phone to take decent pictures and video - My HTC Evo 3d, ironically while being a gimmicky camera phone takes horrible pictures if the person is not sitting as still as a statue.
I like the idea of the Nexus 4 being made my LG and Google. But i dont know anyone with one. While my cousin ha a GS3 and loves it and wouldnt see why i would want the Nexus 4.
any help here? Also i dont want to wait for teh GS4 because that is out of my price range.