Ok, after months and months of waiting, my young lady-friend will be making the switch from verizon to a prepaid carrier. I am currently a cricket customer, and although I'm considering the switch to vm myself, I'm using my girlfriends intentions to switch as an experiment.
1. Her primary focus is the actual phone itself. She is already sold on the monthly rates, but is curious about the handset options. I have done a little research, and have come to the opinion that for the money ($200), the galaxy s2 is hard to beat. Am I wrong on this notion? I understand the gs3 is a better phone, but a $400 price tag is a bit much (considering her current phone is destroyed in a manner Thor himself would approve of).
2. While I am a cricket mobile user, I do use VM's mobile broadband. I am relatively happy with it. My question is such. Can I expect the same data speeds/performance from the handset? I have good coverage at my home, and want to make sure that the phone itself will compare.
3. How easy is it to switch from any carrier to VM? (basically, how easy is it to keep the same number and what information do we need to get from Verizon to do so).
4. Is there any difference with VM's version of the gs2 when compared to other carrier's gs2's in regards to cases? She will have a case, preferably otterbox. When looking at the otterbox website, I see 3 different models to choose from, and I need to make sure I purchase the correct one. (Sites-otterbox_us-Site)
Any help/input on this subject would be greatly appreciated. I should apologize if this information is buried elsewhere in the forum, and I couldn't find it.
Thank you
1. Her primary focus is the actual phone itself. She is already sold on the monthly rates, but is curious about the handset options. I have done a little research, and have come to the opinion that for the money ($200), the galaxy s2 is hard to beat. Am I wrong on this notion? I understand the gs3 is a better phone, but a $400 price tag is a bit much (considering her current phone is destroyed in a manner Thor himself would approve of).
2. While I am a cricket mobile user, I do use VM's mobile broadband. I am relatively happy with it. My question is such. Can I expect the same data speeds/performance from the handset? I have good coverage at my home, and want to make sure that the phone itself will compare.
3. How easy is it to switch from any carrier to VM? (basically, how easy is it to keep the same number and what information do we need to get from Verizon to do so).
4. Is there any difference with VM's version of the gs2 when compared to other carrier's gs2's in regards to cases? She will have a case, preferably otterbox. When looking at the otterbox website, I see 3 different models to choose from, and I need to make sure I purchase the correct one. (Sites-otterbox_us-Site)
Any help/input on this subject would be greatly appreciated. I should apologize if this information is buried elsewhere in the forum, and I couldn't find it.
Thank you