Hi to All
I found the original *.apk file and I'm very happy. But now the next problem come up. In this file this is the original "live wallpaper.apk" file and I'm not able to install because this file is already exist, what I can understand. So how can I pull out off this file the wallpaper what I need. In the file are 8 lwp's.
Please can me someone give a advise or a help to pull the needed wallpaper out?
I like to pull out the galaxy wallpaper. It will be great if someone will be able to pull it out or if she/he can show me a way how to do so.
I will attach the original file.
Kind regards Shark001
I found the original *.apk file and I'm very happy. But now the next problem come up. In this file this is the original "live wallpaper.apk" file and I'm not able to install because this file is already exist, what I can understand. So how can I pull out off this file the wallpaper what I need. In the file are 8 lwp's.
Please can me someone give a advise or a help to pull the needed wallpaper out?
I like to pull out the galaxy wallpaper. It will be great if someone will be able to pull it out or if she/he can show me a way how to do so.
I will attach the original file.
Kind regards Shark001