The wifi network I use most often has an annoying feature.
The first time you connect in a given 24 hour period you have to login.
That is to say, you fire up a browser, point it to any URL and instead of getting the site you asked for you get a Cisco login page.
Once you have enetered a username and password you are good to go as long as you stay connected.
This is quite common I believe.
Does anyone know of an app for andoid that can automatically perform this login task when the device connects to a wifi network ?
The first time you connect in a given 24 hour period you have to login.
That is to say, you fire up a browser, point it to any URL and instead of getting the site you asked for you get a Cisco login page.
Once you have enetered a username and password you are good to go as long as you stay connected.
This is quite common I believe.
Does anyone know of an app for andoid that can automatically perform this login task when the device connects to a wifi network ?