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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
ok so i went and flashed this boot animation everything went well untill my phone rebooted and then nothing worked, my launcher would say it force closed, then i picked the zeam launcher and it worked but there was no app drawer and it would say apps i i wasnt trying to use/ weren't running were force closing, and then i pulled the battery.
now i turn my phone on and it starts to boot up and that it makes a sound that sounds like a computer when you unplug it form the wall and it shuts off, then auto boots into recovery and i try to boot to system it will just repeat all of that again.. What da eff is wrong
Oh dear lord. Quite the mistake my man.

You need to reformat your system and flash a new ROM and Kernel, you corrupted your system folder by using the wrong type of boot animation or you applied it wrong. Could be either or. Bottom line, it can't boot to system because while it loads, the boot animation is required to be going in the background, and if theres something up with it... Good luck getting it to boot. If doing what I stated previously doesn't work, flash a stock 2.1 or 2.2 .tar is SWUpgrade. Best of luck KS.
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