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HERE GPS troubles/Best GPS app?


Jan 25, 2017
I recently replaced my LG l22C (3G) with an LG L33L (4G). Both run Android 5.0.1, and appear to be identical, aside from the 4G. I had been running HERE 2.0.10594 on the older phone. Worked great, easily got addresses I spoke into it (didn't have to type), quickly connected to the satellite, etc. Loaded HERE 2.0.11117 onto the newer phone. The 2 installs look very similar, but the new one just doesn't work very well. If I read an address into it, it puts spaces where they don't belong (exact same address the older install has no trouble with), even if I use a headset/mic. Worse, the newer phone seems to have a helluva time connecting to the GPS sat (I also use a GPS walk tracker on both phones which seems to connect the same on both). Even if I just want to view my position on the map, the newer phone takes forever to connect to the sat & realize it's not "where it was" the last time I opened HERE. So I'm wondering

- Is this a phone issue, or an app issue?
- If it's an app issue, is there any way I can get & install the OLDER HERE version? Maybe just transfer/copy from the older phone?
- If HERE just sucks anymore, what's a really good Android GPS app?


Try to install the older version on your new phone. There are apps on the Google play store that allow you to create an installable .apk file from your old phone (search for APK Share). Transfer it to your new phone over Bluetooth but make sure you have "install from unknown sources" enabled in your Security Settings.
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