I have an idea for a fully automated website that I'd like to get cracking on, but I am an ultra rookie and am looking for someone who can point me in the right direction. I was able to teach myself Java and a little J2EE over a single summer, so I figure I am up to this if someone just points me at what languages/tools I need to become proficient in to be successful.
This site will allow users to register accounts. Users will be able to submit content, and the server will respond by presenting them with other user generated content to view. If you remember hot-or-not, it's kind of like that...where you submit something, but in return you have to look at what other people have done. This content will be stored in a database, so it can be served out to users at any time. It also needs to be able to reach out to a website and pull down/parse information from webpages at a user's request...I already know how to handle the parsing in Java, but it may help you to know the big picture of what my needs are. I want to protect this idea while it's still fermenting, so I don't want to be too specific, but if this isn't enough info, please PM and we can talk.
I'm sure that J2EE can handle almost all of this, but I know that there are other languages and tools out there designed from the ground up for web applications. It may be easier to learn to use another set of tools than to the J2EE stuff necessary to do the job.
This site will allow users to register accounts. Users will be able to submit content, and the server will respond by presenting them with other user generated content to view. If you remember hot-or-not, it's kind of like that...where you submit something, but in return you have to look at what other people have done. This content will be stored in a database, so it can be served out to users at any time. It also needs to be able to reach out to a website and pull down/parse information from webpages at a user's request...I already know how to handle the parsing in Java, but it may help you to know the big picture of what my needs are. I want to protect this idea while it's still fermenting, so I don't want to be too specific, but if this isn't enough info, please PM and we can talk.
I'm sure that J2EE can handle almost all of this, but I know that there are other languages and tools out there designed from the ground up for web applications. It may be easier to learn to use another set of tools than to the J2EE stuff necessary to do the job.