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Hey guys


Apr 18, 2012
Yo. I joined after buying a tablet a few days ago from amazon (ASUS Transformer TF101) and wanted to see what I can use it for.

I also have had my phone for about a year, a HTC EVO 4g from sprint. I'm just got curious while bored at work what forums are out and about for droids, as I have been to a few for my phone.

Other info about me, I'm a big comp nerd + D&D 3.Pf. I've built several rigs for gaming, and beyond gaming and work I'm not doing too much.

I'm game to answer any questions if you have some, but wanted to just say hi since I tried using ya'll to get some info for my tablet.
Hello and welcome to the forums... thanks for joining - good to have you on board :)

I see that you have found the transformer sub-forum, which is great. You should also check out the sub-forum for your phone... the sub-forums are the best place to get tips, tricks, help and advice on anything device related ;)

If you need any help navigating the forums, hit one of us guides up :)
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