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Hey Samsung! FIRE your entire public relations department!!

Samsung explains Note 4 gap as a "necessary manufacturing feature"

This is NOT how you address a very obvious manufacturing flaw in the gap surrounding some Note 4 devices...keyword being "some". If every single Note 4 had this consistent gap then it might possibly be a design characteristic.....but its not.

Nice try Samsung.

Hey, hold on! Samsung did a great job with that their $200 offer for the Note 4... All along they clearly communicated it....... Samsung reps are on the same page and ditto for all of Best Buy and the carriers............... NOT! ;)

Yes, Samsung seems to have a communication gap. Pun intended :)


BTW, the N4 demos at BB did NOT have a gap , so Samsung's rationale seems disingenuous- or clueless.
Hi Rushmore,

Samsung now must address what exactly is the technical reasoning behind the Note 4 devices that do NOT exhibit gaps between the display and the bezel.

If having an unsightly gap on the Note 4 is normal and part of the incorporated design than I guess those that have NO gap have defective phones.

This is precisely what Samsung just insinuated and little do they realize but they just made the mess considerably bigger for themselves.

In the corporate world today there are 3 ways situations like this are handled:

1. Don't ever address the issue publicly, instead, address the supply chain flaw and correct inline to reduce continued manufacturing flaws or in Samsung's words "features".

2. Don't change manufacturing issues and carry on as planned, just inflate your defect rate otherwise known in the industry as a "Quality rate", typically 85-95%.

3. Mislead your consumers by releasing ridiculous falsified and inappropriate PR statements.
Samsung leadership like many other companies operates in a bubble of YesPeople. It is how it is since the dawn of time ;)
Hi Rushmore,

Samsung now must address what exactly is the technical reasoning behind the Note 4 devices that do NOT exhibit gaps between the display and the bezel.

If having an unsightly gap on the Note 4 is normal and part of the incorporated design than I guess those that have NO gap have defective phones.

This is precisely what Samsung just insinuated and little do they realize but they just made the mess considerably bigger for themselves.

In the corporate world today there are 3 ways situations like this are handled:

1. Don't ever address the issue publicly, instead, address the supply chain flaw and correct inline to reduce continued manufacturing flaws or in Samsung's words "features".

2. Don't change manufacturing issues and carry on as planned, just inflate your defect rate otherwise known in the industry as a "Quality rate", typically 85-95%.

3. Mislead your consumers by releasing ridiculous falsified and inappropriate PR statements.

I think Samsung are flapping a little over this as the planneed release on 10th from Samsung (UK) directly has now been pushed back to 'around 17th'.
So long as they sort it and I receive a perfect device, I don't really care if it takes a few days more.
You guys do realize that this issue has not just been addressed by Samsung, but has also been written in the Note 4, Note 3, and I guess Note 2's manual, right? Even though this is the first time I noticed this "gap" in person, this has been addressed by Samsung since the Note 2 came out. It's written in the manual that a gap between the frame and screen is normal. Now, why that is isn't exactly explained well enough, but whatever...I was happy with both previous Note series, and I will be happy with this one. I believe it to be more of a build tolerance than what they claim to be a design to prevent future problems from the metal contracting and expanding.
The linked document says it's in the manual, so I expect people were aware.

But the "expansion of metal" argument doesn't wash for 2 reasons: nobody else with metal elements or phones needs that, and no previous note had metal in the casing, just chromed plastic.

I've no personal interest here. Phablets aren't my game, though I think they were a genuine innovation on Samsung's part (a word that is horribly misused by marketing types). But TBH just documenting this gap does sound like trying to make a feature out of a bug.
The root issue here is that not all Notes exhibit this "gap".

If every single Note 1,2,3 and 4 had the same consistent gap this discussion wouldn't exist. The very fact that Samsung said that the "gap" is a feature has set Samsung up for a sure to happen $hit storm. So what does Samsung say to those that have no gap? I would anticipate those consumers have defective devices....according to Samsung.
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